Admission to the Gifted Programme

Year 6 Nexus Assessment Day

The Nexus Gifted Programme is only available to students of CSIA. Assessment for entry to the Gifted Programme is held in the Spring each year for students who have been awarded a place at CSIA. Once a member of CSIA, access to the Gifted Programme is through aptitude testing and interview. All students who gain a place at CSIA will be invited to take part in the Nexus assessment should they wish. Invites are normally sent out around the 1st March once Cornwall County Council release names. The majority of students who wish to apply will participate in the aptitude testing that is held every year in the Spring once the student’s place at CSIA has been confirmed.

The Assessment Day is uniquely for current Year 6 students joining the school in Year 7. Practise papers are available for all students who wish to prepare before the Assessment Day.

The process is rigorous and is designed to determine aptitude, as well as current performance. Students will initially sit one online test and written examination papers in Maths and English.

Students who have been successful in these tests may be called for interview. This single interview will determine whether they are suitable for the Programme and is an opportunity for the children to ask questions of the Nexus leadership team. The interview dates take place shortly after the assessment day.

A further assessment window may be offered at a later date based on exceptional SATS results and depending on the number of places remaining.

Some students joining CSIA in-year may sit the assessment when they apply depending on availability. For current CSIA Year 7 to Year 9 students who wish to apply for the Gifted Programme please contact Nexus reception for more information by emailing

If not successful in initial application, students can re-apply for a place in the Gifted Programme in either Year 8 or Year 9 if places are available. The final opportunity for applications to the Nexus Gifted programme is when the student is in Year 9. An individual student can only sit the test once per academic year.